Monday, April 8, 2013


Game Rules 101 (FUTSAL)

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Futsal Rules

(Males) Round Robin* ( top team advances to final;
2nd and 3rd place play semifinal to qualify for final)
Match: 5 vs 5
Max: 10 players/team

(Females) GROUPING (2 GROUPS)*
-2 top teams in grouping stage will advance to semi-final.
-Winner team in semi-final will advance to final stage.
Match: 5 vs 5
Max: 10 players/team

Courts Rules (Males)
Basically follow the Official FIFA Futsal 2012 Rules.
2 time-outs per quarter granted to each team (Each time-out will be one 1 minute.)
Each win will get 3 points, draws 1 point and 0 point if lose.

Court Rules
Basically follow the Futsal rules.
1.  There are 5 players, one of which must be a goalkeeper.

2.  Each team may have 7 substitutes with unlimited substitution.

3.  Substitution must take place at the Substitution Zone. The player being replaced must

be completely off the court before the replacement enters the court. The Referee need
not be informed.

4.  The team winning the toss must decide which way to run- a goal can be scored from
the kick off. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward.

5.  When the ball passes over the touchlines the game is restarted by a kick in. The ball
must be stationary on the touchline and can be kicked into play in any direction. The
kicker must have both feet on the touchline or behind the touchline.

6.  Goal Clearances – When the ball passes over the goal line having last been played by
an attacker, the game is restarted by a goal clearance. This must be done by the
goalkeeper and the ball must be thrown directly out of the penalty area.

7.  If the ball hits the roof, a kick in is taken by the opposite team to where the ball hits
the roof.

8.  Goalkeepers cannot receive the ball by hands or feet after releasing the ball from their
possession unless it has been touched by the opposition or passed over the half way
line. This also applies to a goal clearance. Goalkeepers must release the ball within
four seconds of gaining control of the ball.

9.  At free kicks, kick-in, corner kicks, all opponents must be 5 meters from the ball and
the ball must be put into play within four seconds of taking possession of it.

10.  Fouls & Misconduct: Fouls resulting in a direct free kick are the same as outdoor
soccer with the following additions:
a.  Charges an opponent with the shoulder.
b.  Slides in a to play the ball when it is being played or attempted to being played by an
opponent except for a goalkeeper in his penalty area and he must not do it in a
careless or reckless way or use excessive force.
c.  Penalty mark is 6 meters and second penalty mark is 10 meters. The second penalty
mark is used if a team accumulates more than five fouls in a half.

11.   Accumulated Fouls:
a.  Those sanctions by a direct free kick.
b.  The first five fouls sanctioned by a direct free kick, in each half are recorded
c.  For these first 5 fouls, a defensive wall may be formed by the opposing team to
defend the kick.
d.  Beginning with the sixth foul the players of the opposing team may not form a wall to
defend the kick.
e.  The kick is taken from the second penalty mark unless the foul occurred beyond the
mark when the non offending team has the option to take the kick where the foul
occurred or from the second penalty mark of 10 meters.
f.  The player taking the kick must be identified and must kick the ball with the intention
of scoring. The ball cannot be passed to another player.
g.  The goalkeeper must remain in his penalty area and be 5 meters away from the ball.
h.  All other players must remain behind an imaginary line level with the ball and parallel
with the goal line. They must be five meters from the ball and may not obstruct the
player taking the kick.

12.    The decisions of the referees regarding facts connected with play, including whether
or not a goal is scored and the result of the match are final.
The ranking of each team in each group will be determined as follows:
a) Greatest number of points obtained in all group matches;
b) Goal difference in all group matches;
c) Greatest number of goals scored in all group matches